Sunday, August 29, 2010

#100 - Completed!

I bought a new tv back in March. I never took it out of the box until today since I didn't have a place to put it. Last month I finally found a tv stand with a mount that I like. It's hard with 3 kids in the house to put anything together. With all three kids gone today, I decided today was the day. It took longer than I thought it would but it's done and the tv is mounted. I still need to call Directv tomorrow to put in a connection in the room we want it in.



  1. Great job, Kazmin! If you are interested, I could find you more monitor's to install!

  2. Btw, Kazmin, Kudos for even compiling your list. That in and of itself should have been it's own number for this year! Way to go!

  3. You did such a good job. It looks great!

  4. Thanks!

    Thanks for the job offer, Gil. LOL Where's your list? =)
